Importing participants with phone numbers (from more than one country)

In short

  • When importing participants to your learning journey that have phone numbers, you need to consider whether all of the phone numbers are from the same country, or if at least one is from a different country.
  • If at least one is from a different country, you need to include the country code in all phone numbers of the import.
  • Tip: If only a few phone numbers are from a different country than the main batch, remove them from the import and add them either one by one or through a separate import.

Step by step

When importing participants to a learning journey, be mindful of whether all phone numbers are from the same country or not. If all phone numbers are from the same country, you just need to state which country – the numbers do not need to include a country code.

When all phone numbers are from the same country you just need to select which country.
...and you do not need to be mindful of whether or not each number contains a country code.

If on the other hand your list of participants to import contains numbers from more than one country, you need to either split your import into multiple batches for each country, or select The numbers come from more than one country.

When importing phone numbers from more than one country, each number must contain a country code.
Here's what your phone numbers should all look like if they are from multiple countries.