Trainings with more than one session in Coach Freddie

This article describes how to use coach Freddie with multiple training sessions.

Freddie the Coach is today primarily designed to support trainings participants after single training sessions. However, with a few simple tricks, longer programs can benefit greatly from Freddie's follow-ups. Here's how it works:

Add each session separately

Freddie's coaching always starts the day after a training's end date (or the next Monday if the end date is a Friday). If your training program consists of more than one session, it's therefore important that you add each session separately, setting the end dates to the end dates of each separate session. If you do that, Freddie's coaching will start after each session instead of after the whole program.

Note: By adding each training session separately, each session will get its own code. Therefore, you can only re-use the same code for up to one session.

Select the most important sessions for coaching

If your training sessions are tightly spaced (less than a month in between) or if they bring up the same topic every time, it might be a good idea to only select a few sessions where the participants get coaching from Freddie after the session. By doing so, you make sure participants don't grow tired of Freddie, and you ensure that the follow-up focuses on those areas of the training that you think are most important.

Name the sessions consistently

When adding training sessions that are a part of the same program, giving them similar names might be a good idea. For example: "New as manager part 1" or "Coaching Leadership Module 1".