Add participants with registration link

This article describes how to invite your participants with a registration link.

For your participants to be able to take part in your learning journey, you need to create a group of participants. When creating a group of participants, you have two options: to enter the contact information in Knowly yourself or to create a registration link which you then send to your participants. This article will show you step by step how you invite participants with a registration link.

Start by clicking on the "new participant group" button. You will then come to this view (picture below). Here you now select "participants register themselves".

Then you choose who will be the sender:

In the next step, you can then, for each micro-training and informational text, choose one of the following three statuses:

  • Available from the start
    The material is available to all participants who register.
  • Schedule
    At the selected time, the material is sent to participants who have already registered. For participants who register later, the material is available from the start.
  • Not available for now
    The material is not available for the participants until you change the status under Scheduling

As a last step, click on the next. You will then come to the statistics overview, where you will find your registration link:

You can then distribute this link to best suit your activity.