How to invite new administrators and what roles exist in Knowly

This article describes how to invite new admins to Knowly

There are different roles in your Knowly organisation. These roles determine permissions for each user. Overall, your organisation in Knowly consists of three types of roles, ie three (3) types of users.

Under the tab organize, you will find the different types of users in the organisation. There are no limits to how many users can have each role.


  • Administrator, full access to everything and all learning journeys in the organisation. Can edit content, create new learning journeys and specify a trainer/admin other than himself or herself as responsible for a specific group of participants.
  • A trainer can view and create their groups of participants but can neither edit content nor create new learning journeys. As a trainer, you have full access to the statistics view in the learning journeys that you have been assigned to be a trainer in. You can schedule new mailings, receive responses from participants, take out reports and administer participants. You only see the learning journey assigned to you, but you need help seeing material from other learning journeys in the organisation. Can invite participants from directories of all users.
  • Participants participate in learning journeys and materials created and scheduled by an administrator or trainer. Participants can change information about their profile and can also delete their accounts from the organisation.

Invite new administrators

Only administrators can invite new administrators and trainers to the organisation. This is done by clicking on organise โ†’ administrators โ†’ invite new ... (top right). You can now fill in the contact information for the person to be invited. As an administrator, you can also change each user's role and remove them completely from the organisation.

What happens next? 

Administer participants in the organisation

All participants added to a participant group are saved in the organisation under the tab organise โ†’ users. Here, an administrator/trainer can add new, delete and edit participants.

Here you will also find information about when each participant was added and was most recently active in a learning journey.