Duplicate content

This article describes how to curate existing content in Knowly

Save time and effort by reusing content material efficiently in Knowly. In this article, we will walk you through how to duplicate learning journeys and copy micro-exercises and slides to other learning journeys. 

Duplicate a full learning journey 

To duplicate an existing learning journey, follow the three steps below:

  1. Click on the arrow at the far right of the selected learning journey.
  2. Choose a duplicate, and an exact copy will be placed at the top of all learning journeys. 
  3. The learning journey has now been duplicated. You can easily change the name of the copy by clicking into the learning journey and clicking with the mouse pointer over the name.

Copy a micro training between different learning journeys 

To copy an entire micro training to another learning journey, do the following:

  1. From the timeline of the learning journey, click on the micro training you want to copy.
  2. Click on the arrow at the far right of the selected micro-training and select Copy to...
  3. Search for the learning journey you would like to copy the micro training to or select directly from the list.
  4. Click Copy, and you will receive a confirmation that the copy has been created.

Copy a slide from one micro training to another

You can copy individual slides to other micro trainings in any learning journey by doing the following steps:

  1. Click on the slide you want to copy in the list on the left.
  2. Hover the mouse pointer over the name of your slide and select the copy icon to another location...
  3. Choose what learning journey and micro training you would like to copy to. 

  4.  Click on the button "copy", and you will get a confirmation that the copy has been created.