Informational send outs in Knowly

This article describes how to send an informational text to participants.

A learning journey in Knowly consists of four components; informational texts, micro training, evaluation and training events. In this section, we'll go through what an informational text is.

An informational text is a short text displayed directly in an email or SMS - participants do not need to press a link. 

An informational text can be used for different purposes. The tool always suggests that a learning journey should begin with an informational text that briefly introduces the structure of the learning experience. Informational texts are also good to send, for example, links, location, date, small nudge or reminder and other concrete information.

To edit an informational text, click on the name of the informational text or click on add to the far right when you are navigating from your learning journey timeline. Here you can then edit content exactly as you want it to look.

What does it look like for the participant?

An informational text will look like a regular email, or text message, depending on how you send it out.