Assignments aimed at participants
Assignments can be aimed at both participants and managers. Depending on which audience the assignment is aimed at, there will be different settings available. This article will only focus on assignments aimed at participants.
This article is divided into three parts:
- Administrators' interface
- Notifications
- Participants' and managers' interface
Part 1: Administrators' interface
Assignments aimed at participants are special in that they offer a wider range of settings for managers than other activities do.
The first of those settings is whether to include a separate instruction to managers or not. If this setting is off, managers see the assignment just as their employee does. If it is on, they also see a separate instruction that's only visible to them.

Second, you choose whether or not a manager must approve a submission for it to be considered completed.
It is worth noticing here that approving and requiring action are not the same thing. An assignment that does not require the manager's approval will immediately be completed upon submission, but it can still show up in the manager's interface as requiring an action from the manager.

If this setting is on—meaning the manager has to approve the submission for it to be considered complete—you then have two choices:
- Only approval. With this selected, the manager only needs to press a button to approve the assignment submission. They may also add a comment but do not have to.
- Approve and comment. Here the manager must comment on the assignment submission to be able to approve it. If the assignment revolves around feedback from a manager, this might be a good option.

If the approval setting is off—meaning that managers do not have to approve the submission for it to be completed—you instead have three choices. These choices determine what is needed for the assignment to no longer require action from the manager (remember, a completed assignment can still require action from the manager).
The choices available are...
- No engagement. With this selected, the assignment will never show up as requiring any action for managers. Use this setting when you do not want to involve managers at all. The manager will still be able to see the submission, but will not need to do anything.
- Read submissions. The assignment will show as no longer requiring action from the manager as soon as the manager has opened it after it has been submitted.
- Read and comment on submissions. The assignment will stop showing up as requiring action from the manager when the manager has written a comment on the submission.

Part 2: Notifications
Depending on what settings you choose, different notifications will be sent to both participants and managers. In this section, we go through what those notifications are and how they look like.
Notifications sent to participants
Notification | Editable? | Note | Possible to turn off? |
Invitation | Yes | Yes | |
Deadline reminder #1 | Yes | Sent 1 day before deadline. Only sent if a deadline is set. Can be turned off. | Yes |
Deadline reminder #2 | Yes | Sent at the time of the deadline. Only sent if a deadline is set. Can be turned off. | Yes |
Self-reminder | No | Sent if the participant uses the feature "Submit later", where they themselves choose a time in the future on which to receive a reminder. | Feature always available, each recipient decides if they want to use it. |
Submission has been reviewed by manager | No | Only sent if the assignment requires manager approval. | No |
Manager has written a comment | No | No |
Notifications sent to managers
Notification | Editable | Note | Possible to turn off? |
New submission for you to review | No | Sent when a participant submits or re-submits an assignment. | Yes |
Your employee has written a comment | No | No |