Handling a participant with multiple accounts

Has one or more of your participants for whatever reason been invited to your learning journeys using multiple email addresses or phone numbers, and therefore ended up with more than one account? Then this article is for you.


  • There is unfortunately no automated way of merging accounts in Knowly, but depending on the circumstances, there are still steps you can take.
  • If the participant has only made progress in one of the accounts:
    1. In the accounts with little or no progress, note which learning journeys the participant is invited to, and then delete the account(s). To delete an account, press your name in the bottom left of the home screen then Directory of users → mark the user(s) you want to delete → DeleteYes, delete.
    2. Now invite the person to the learning journeys you noted down, using the email or phone number associated with the account that they want to keep.
  • If significant progress has been made in more than one account: This is more of a judgement call that depends on your context, but in general we recommend that you...
    • Select one account that the participant should be using from here on after.
    • For the other account(s):
      • Use the Generate report feature in a learning journey (see image further down) to extract all progress and answers for participants in that learning journey → open the exported file in Excel or Google Sheets → remove all other participants' data.
      • You now have a file saved with that participant's answers and progress in that learning journey, which you might want to send to the participant and/or keep for your own record. Do this for each learning journey in accounts that will no longer be used, where the participant's progress might be worth saving.
      • Now that you have the progress saved in separate files, it's up to you whether you want to keep or delete the accounts from which you exported the progress. Just keep in mind that if you delete them, the progress and answers will no longer count towards the reports and statistics generated in those learning journeys.
    • For the account that should be kept:
      • Invite the participant to learning journey(s) from the other account(s) where there was still progress to be made (Why not all of them? There might be little point to inviting them to a learning journey that they had already finished, unless it's important that they have access to its content in the future).

Key steps

Use the Add one by one feature in the learning journeys you want to move participants to.

Decide whether or not you want to invite the participant you're moving to all activities, or only future ones. If they have already completed everything that has been sent in this learning journey, but from another account, it might be better to select Only invite to future activities.

Use the Create report feature to generate an Excel or CSV file with all progress from a learning journey.

As you create the report, make sure to match the options marked in blue in the image below.