What are teams in Knowly?

We have created the team feature in Knowly to give you more control over permissions and rights. It allows you to divide learning journeys, participant groups, and administrator permissions into different teams. In this article, we will explain what teams in Knowly are.

The team feature is only available to users on Knowly's Enterprise pricing level.

With Knowly's team feature, you can create several different teams in your organization, each with its own learning journeys, administrators, and participant registers. Only a system administrator has permission to create new teams, but you can give several people the system administrator role.

Read more about the other types of roles in Knowly here.

Before creating your teams, it may be a good idea to have a strategy for how you want to structure and divide them. There are many different ways to organize your teams, and it may be beneficial to consider how you want your team structure to look collectively. Do you want the teams to reflect your organizational structure? Or are you selling courses and want your customers to reflect your team structure?

There are several ways to organize teams; what works best for your organization may be a combination of the above examples.

What are a team in Knowly?

A team in Knowly functions in many ways like its own organization. Each team has its courses, administrators, and participants. Additionally, a team can have its branding, colour, and logo. As an administrator, you have a role in each team you are invited to, which defines your permissions in that specific team. You may have a different role and permission level in another team or no role.

For example, suppose you are an internal academy where one team is responsible for leadership development and another for onboarding. In that case, you can create separate teams for each in Knowly. The leadership team will have its learning journeys and administrators, and the onboarding team will have its own.

In addition, an administrator with permissions only in the leadership team will be unable to see participants' responses and activity in a course in the onboarding team, and vice versa.