The evaluation editor

This article describes how to use the evaluation editor in Knowly.

In the evaluation editor, you can add, delete or change elements in your evaluation so that it is adapted to your area of use. In this article, we'll go through the various features that are available to build an evaluation in Knowly. 


1. Structure - To the left of the view, you will find a menu for how your evaluation is structured. Here you can jump between editing the evaluation and the end screen for the participants. An end screen is the last page of the evaluation. In an end screen, it can be nice to add text and images to show appreciation for the participant's commitment and participation.

End screen function

When you change your end screen, you can include a cover photo, title, body text and a button at the bottom with a link. To change, click on the element directly in the middle section or edit on the right and follow the instructions on the screen.

At the bottom left corner, you will find "create template" and "settings". Creating a template means helping other administrators within the organization to easily use your evaluation for future learning journeys or projects. By creating a template, everyone in your organization will be able to use the evaluation in its current form as a starting point when creating new evaluations.

Under settings, you can easily change the name, language and owner of the evaluation. 

2. Center section - You can edit text directly in your added elements, move around or delete. 

3. Edit - In this box, you get more details about your elements and what you want to edit. Here you can also add a new element directly from the list. 

Add a new one...

In the middle section of the evaluation editor, you can add, delete or change elements that should be included in your evaluation. 

You can add questions in different formats and a piece of text. Let's go through the different question options.

Free text
Here you can ask an open question with free text. Let the participant answer in their own words in the answer field. When you add free text, enter your questions directly in the middle section. Click on the grey text "Add question". On the right, you can also change the descriptive text that is in the answer field for the participant. If nothing changes, it says, "Write your answer here ...". By making the question mandatory, the participant will not be able to proceed if nothing is filled in the answer field. 

To use a scale-adapted question, for example, "What did you think of the course structure?" select the scale on the right under Add new ... 

Enter the question directly in the middle section, just like the free text option. Out to the right, You can choose how many steps should be included in the scale. Also, write in the titles to make it clear to the participant ex.  "1 = Not good at all, 10 = very good".

NPS (Net Promoter Score
NPS is a valuable tool for discovering what participants think about the training and what the program can do to make it better. The NPS value gives you quantitative data that indicates how the participants experience their training program. NPS (Net Promoter Score) is calculated in a way that requires the scale to have ten steps. Read more here about how Knowly calculates NPS 

Multiple choice question 
A multiple-choice question can be designed by having a "right" or being able to choose several alternatives. You change this to the right when you add your multiple-choice question. It is also to the right that you additional options in the text and makes the question mandatory. 

Piece of text 
A piece of text is the only text added to, for example, describe something or inform the participant.