The participant home in Knowly

This article describes navigation to the participant's home in Knowly

Curious to see what the participant's experience in Knowly looks like? In this article, you can read more about what your participants' home in Knowly looks like and how they navigate through them.

How participants get access to the material in Knowly

The way to Knowly for your participants is via the invitations you will schedule for your participant group. You choose whether to send invitations via SMS or email. Below are examples of what an email invitation looks like.

When participants press the red button in the email (or the link in the SMS), they go straight to the micro training and can go through the material at their own pace. Participants can also use shortcuts to either Knowly home screen or the file library. 

After completing the micro training, each participant can navigate to the training's home screen.

The participant's overview of the learning journey

As a participant, I can see all the content in the micro training that has been sent. Additionally, I can see the names of the micro trainings that have been scheduled but have yet to be sent, but not their content. I can't see micro training that has yet to be scheduled.

If Freddie, the digital coach, is a part of the learning journey, I will be able to see Freddie in the timeline. If Freddie is open to registration, I can register right there; if not, I can read up on the concept of Freddie the Coach.

The participant has full access to micro trainings that have been sent, can view the name of but not open those that are scheduled to send, and can't at all see those that have not yet been scheduled.

As you send more micro training, the participant's timeline gets longer, allowing you to expand the learning journey as your program progresses.

The participants can always return to previous micro trainings to review the material and any answers they wrote to questions.

Access to files

It's easy to share files with your participants through Knowly. Upload them to the training's file page, and the participants will have instant access.

Participants have easy access to the files that you have uploaded.

Access to Freddie the Coach

If you've added Freddie the Coach to your learning journey, participants will be able to see Freddie as an entity in their timeline.

As the one administrating the journey, it's up to you when participants should be able to start registering for Freddie's automatic coaching. If the registration has yet to open, participants can still see Freddie in the timeline and read more about how the concept works but not actually register.

When Freddie's registration opens, an email or SMS invitation is sent to participants that explains what the concept is all about. Please take a look at the email version below.

An email or SMS invitation is sent to participants when they can start registering for Freddie's follow-up.

From this day on, the Coach Freddie tab is now available in the participant's home, where participants can view their action plan and weekly reflections and communicate with supporters.